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As McGill University approaches its 200th anniversary, we continue to draw strength, inspiration, and guidance from our team of exceptional volunteers – our Leaders Alliance – who give their time, energy and wisdom, and whose powerful insights and connections can help McGill have an even greater impact on our world. 

The Leaders Alliance is comprised of volunteers who share ideas, experiences, and convene on issues of strategic importance to our University. Volunteers collaborate as committees, and as a larger group to help shape the future of McGill, and to maintain and grow our vital local and global communities.

McGill’s Leaders Alliance members are part of a long and distinguished tradition of volunteer involvement. Their contributions transform our campus and expand our University’s unique strengths in education, research, and community service. 

Supporting Made by McGill 

The Campaign for Our Third Century can only be successful with the dedicated support of our Leaders Alliance volunteers, serving in a multitude of capacities. Volunteer boards and committees that have a campaign role are listed below.

Campaign Cabinet

The Campaign Cabinet is championing McGill’s vision for its third century by piloting fundraising efforts, and by engaging McGill’s global network towards a culture of philanthropic support. These are the dedicated alumni, volunteers and University leaders at the helm of Made by McGill: the Campaign for Our Third Century.

Meet the Campaign Cabinet 

Campaign Corporate Engagement Committee

The Corporate Committee is comprised of business leaders dedicated to boosting McGill’s affinity with corporations through transformative initiatives. The role of the Committee is to pilot corporate engagement strategies and fundraising efforts across the University. Committee members will help align McGill’s needs with business strategies and develop multilevel relationships with corporate executives and board members.

Regional Advisory Boards 

Regional Advisory Boards help strengthen the McGill brand, expand our regional networks and foster a greater sense of community among University’s constituents by promoting the University and its’ initiatives in their respective regions. There are currently six Boards: Toronto, Western Canada, US-East Coast, US-West Coast, UK/Europe, and Asia. 

Faculty Advisory Boards 

The Faculty Advisory/Advancement Boards serve as a consultation body to the Dean, promoting the mission, plans, and priorities of their respective Faculty. Members represent different sectors of the community in Quebec, Canada, and around the world, with a large scope of activities. The boards are composed of alumni, friends and community leaders who have generously agreed to share their wisdom and energy with their Faculty of choice.

McGill Alumni Association Board of Directors

The McGill Alumni Association (MAA) is a volunteer Association committed to growing the network of McGill graduates in support of one another and McGill. The Board of Directors acts as an umbrella group, providing leadership to numerous regional branches and constituent groups, in partnership with McGill University Advancement (UA). Board members are embedded in various University governance structures, initiatives and events. As such, the Directors act as ambassadors for the alumni community, and for the University at large. As McGill’s international reach grows further, so too does alumni activity, and the Board’s focus reflects that. More broadly, the MAA is committed to preserving the fundamental values and qualities of a McGill education, lending its support to initiatives from the Principal’s Office to the Faculties and from UA.

Meet the MAA Board of Directors