McGill Women's Alumnae Association

Every woman who has graduated from McGill is a member of the McGill Women's Alumnae Association (MWAA). We come together regularly in the spirit of continued growth, development and social consciousness. We share and promote the positive impacts our alumnae have on the university as part of its diverse community.

Our mission is to advance the leadership potential of McGill’s female graduates and their positive impact on the University and community. The MWAA strives to contribute to excellence in educational achievement, lifelong learning, and the improvement of the community at large.

How to get Involved

Stay connected. Keep your contact information up to date to ensure you receive McGill news and event invitations for your region. 

Attend an upcoming event. We organize an annual Muriel V. Roscoe lecture series, feature accomplished speakers through our Come and Be Inspired series, and sponsor workshops focused on practical advice for careers, financial planning and other issues. MWAA events are a great way to mingle and network with fellow alumnae.

Become an MWAA mentor or mentee. Our exciting new mentorship initiative provides an exclusive opportunity for established alumnae to guide and inspire fellow alumnae in their professional ambitions.

Volunteer with the MWAA. The MWAA has over a 130-years history rooted in the enthusiastic and energetic alumnae who drive our programs. Be a part of our team through leadership, sponsorship or event coordination.

Support future generations of alumnae. Every year, the MWAA awards around $60,000 annually in scholarships, bursaries, fellowships and graduation prizes to women studying at McGill. Please consider joining us and change lives through our entrance Scholarship for females in STEM fields to honour the 130th Anniversary of our Association.

Connect with us



MWAA Executive Team, June 2024 - April 2025

Honorary President: Susan Czarnocki, MA'89
Immediate Past President: Irina Kostko, Cert Prof French'12
President: Laura Swayne, BSc'14
1st Vice-President: Gawaher Atif, BA'81
2nd Vice-President: Nora Boudghene, BA'20
Treasurer: Wanda Leah Trineer, BSc(Agr)'76
Secretary: Noran Ahmed, Cont' Ed'14

Full list of board-members.

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