Student Sponsorship Program Application Form

Student Sponsorship Program Application Form

Before filling out the form, ensure that:

  1. You know your club's McGill FOAPAL. If you do not know your FOAPAL, please follow the steps for Direct Deposit.

  2. If you do NOT have a FOAPAL and are requesting a Direct Deposit into your group’s bank account: in order for your student group to be eligible for the electronic payment service, we require this Direct Deposit Form-Eng (Canadian Suppliers Only) be completed by your student group, signed (by hand or digitally), scanned and sent to us by e-mail along with a scanned copy of the void cheque for your group's bank account. The address on the cheque must match the address captured in the form. Otherwise, a bank letter is required with the appropriate account and address information.

Section 1: Applicant Information

Email Address Required Field


Section 2: Payment Information

Payment Method Required Field
Payment Method

If paying by direct deposit:

  • Funds cannot be distributed to personal bank accounts; direct deposits must only be directed to the student group bank account.
  • The address on the cheque must match the address captured in the form. Otherwise, a bank letter is required with the appropriate account and address information.
  • The general McGill address will not be accepted.


If paying by FOAPAL:

  • McGill affiliated student groups have access to a FOAPAL account through your governing body.


Section 3: Details of Funding Request

Open the calendar popup.


Section 4: Detailed Budget

Please indicate with a star (*) the expense line item for which the sponsorship will support. In the case of a publication, please include circulation figures and provide a copy of the most recent issue to




Section 6: Committee Details

Net profit/loss


Section 5: Details of Event/Initiative

Open the calendar popup.

Please provide a brief summary, which should include the following:

  1. Description of the project;
  2. Objectives;
  3. Measures for evaluating outside-the-classroom student experiences and/or student-alumni engagement

Please provide the names, title, and email addresses of additional members involved in the organization of this project.


Section 7: Additional Assistance

Please let us know if your group needs additional assistance from the McGill Alumni Association (such as Alumni experts, speakers, panelists, etc.).


Section 8: Project Requirements

During your project/activity: Promote your project on social media and tag any of the following McGill Alumni social media accounts when appropriate. Please also like/follow these accounts.


Section 9: Post-Event Requirements

Following your project/activity, you are to complete the following:

  1. A Post-Event Summary Report that will be sent to you if and when granted funding
  2. You may also submit any relevant content that was created for cross-promotional purposes in communications, print or electronic formats. Acceptable content can includes but is not limited to:
     A written summary of your project (approx. 300-500 words). This can include an overview of the project, a particular story that emerges, lessons learned, etc.
     Photos, Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/Threads posts, speaker presentations, speaker quotes.
  3. A Post-Event Survey (to be sent via email)
  4. In addition, you may be invited to make a short presentation to the Board of the McGill Alumni Association. This presentation should include a short summary of your initiative, what you learned about the topic and what future plans you have for your initiative.
I acknowledge and agree to what is required of my student group during our project and following the completion of our project.

I have completed in full and attached all necessary documents to be considered for funding.