Homecoming 2022

Homecoming Celebration Weekend 2022 felt extra special as we welcomed alumni back to McGill’s campuses for in-person celebrations after two years of virtual festivities. It was wonderful to see the McGill community reconnect and reminisce at a host of entertaining and enlightening Homecoming events.

Thank you for helping us celebrate and close out McGill’s Bicentennial celebrations on a high note!

You can watch recordings of a few of the events: a discussion with McGill researchers about the impact of COVID-19 on society, the environment, and our future; a talk about chaplaincy & faith-guided counselling in universities hosted by the McGill Muslim Alumni Society; and a conversation with a renowned space scholar by the McGill Women’s Alumnae Association.

Check out photos from the Macdonald campus, and the downtown Homecoming activities and watch the Homecoming 2022 recap video:

Homecoming Weekend Dates to 2025

October 19-21, 2023 
October 24-26, 2024 
October 23-25, 2025 

Have questions? Here’s how to reach us:

Email homecoming.alumni@mcgill.ca or call 514-396-1046 (in Montreal) or 1-800-567-5175 (toll-free in North America, outside of Montreal).