Photo of three women smiling in a winter storm


Despite the name, McGill’s Alumni Relations Office isn’t just for graduates – far from it! We offer services and programs to support you as you find your place in the McGill community and build a foundation for future success.

Start off on the right foot

Every summer, we host Send-Offs in cities around the world. Current students and young alumni from the region meet with incoming students and their families before they head to Montreal. Ask your questions and get an insider’s take on campus life. Back this year: online Send-Offs!

McGill News: Alumni offer advice to their first-year McGill self

We’re with you for the duration

Make the most out of your time at McGill. Whether you’re looking for crowdfunding support for a special project, a scholarship or bursary, or just something to do on a weeknight, we’ve got you covered.

The McGill Alumni Association presents the Student Sponsorship Program with application deadlines throughout each academic year! For Winter 2024, the application deadline is February 4, 2024. The program helps to provide financial support to student groups for events (now virtual), special projects, and initiatives that do not receive University funding and that promote outside-the-classroom student experiences. For more information, please contact

*Please ensure that any events submitted are either virtual or adhere to McGill’s on campus events directives and most recent COVID 19 measures.

We’ll help you take the next step

Earning your degree is just the beginning. Figuring out how it fits into the professional world – that’s the challenging part. Check out our Life After Your Degree (LifeAYD) Program events by following the LifeAYD Facebook page or emailing to be added to the mailing list. LifeAYD helps you plan for your success after you graduate through a host of events and resources that sharpen your interpersonal communications skills, and provide you with industry-specific insights or tips directly from McGill Alumni practitioners or campus Career Advisors. You can also connect with alumni through McGillConnect or McGill’s mentorship program. Looking to hand out professional, customized business cards to help you with your job search? Look no further than our Business Card Template. These career-oriented tools can provide the support you need for the next leg of your journey.

Your chance to say “Thanks!”

Did you receive a bursary this year? Why not thank the donor who made it possible? You can submit your letter of appreciation online or in person at the Scholarships and Student Aid Office. It only takes a few minutes and it really shows donors just how much of an impact their generosity has made.


Explore McGill's entire global alumni network